The 9th international exhibition of artists’ posters, Virtual Biennale Prague, has brought together 378 artists from 31 countries. The whole project is organised by the Association of Applied Graphics, Graphic Design Studio I of the Faculty of Art and Design of the Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, and the Altán Klamovka Gallery in Prague.
The theme for 2016 is the future, taking into account both subjective testimonies and reflections of the present. The posters on display play with meanings, hyperbole and wit. The authors express themselves with visual shortcuts, drawings frequently bordering on illustrative art, photography and graphic design. For this year the traditional remit in black and white is enriched with a colour version which is only presented in a virtual gallery. A number of authors alert us to global climate changes and war conflicts. The largest part of the collection, however, are original posters with a subjective approach to their topic. Visions of the future ranging from optimistic to pessimistic, fade into one another in the works. Future, as an unknown quantity, unites all of them.
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