Polish Jazz

Bronisław Kaper, Henryk Wars and Victor Young. The contribution of Polish composers to the history of world jazz.

#radiojazz #naandeyeah #polishjazz #posterart

Sustainable development I

° Poster finalist in «Taiwan International Graphic Design Award 2017»
° Poster finalist in «Poster heroes 2018».
° Poster finalist in «Moscow Poster Competition 2018».
° Poster selected «Posterfest Budapest 2018».
° Poster displayed on «Madrid Gráfica 2019».
° Poster displayed on «Escucha mi voz 2019».

San Diego Latino Film

° Poster selected as a finalist in «41 Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano, Cuba».

There are two paradigms that need to be consider when studying indigenous groups in Latin America: all groups have cultural singularities, yet they share mythological values. The main difference with non-indigenous cultures is a cosmological one and it is represented in almost all the native religions: for indigenous groups the universe is connected by rites, dreams, visions, and in particular the work shamans do for this to happen. These ideas are depicted in the (poster, banner) entitled Kauyumary, in which the traditional image of a shaman and other elements are portrayed; the dancing of the shaman signifies a moment of celebration. The fire represents the beginning of life, the world order, and indigenous folklore. The organic decoration in the background represents nature. The movie camara (creo queda major video camara) honors Latino filmmakers.


° Poster selected as a finalist in International Poster Biennale Lublin 2019
° Poster selected as a finalist in Festival Internacional del afiche, Argentina

The proposals of the young Manuel Díaz Reyes and Naandeyé García Villegas, graduates of the Faculty of Arts and Design, were selected as the emblem and graphic identity of M68. Citizens in Motion, program created by the National Autonomous University of Mexico to commemorate the 50 years of the Student Movement of 1968.

Las propuestas de los jóvenes Manuel Díaz Reyes y Naandeyé García Villegas, egresados de la Facultad de Artes y Diseño, fueron seleccionados como el emblema y la identidad gráfica de M68. Ciudadanías en Movimiento, programa creado por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México para conmemorar los 50 años del Movimiento Estudiantil de 1968.

#naandeyeah #NaandeyéGarcíaVillegas #UNAM #México68 #MovimientoEstudiantil

Mankind’s Heritage

° Poster selected as a finalist in 6th Moscow Poster Contest 2020

Exhibition «Mandkind’s Fragile Heritage». September 20 to 29, 2019 in Moscow at the “Association of Designers” International Public Association Designer’s Central House.

«Fire in Notre-Dame Cathedral is a big tragedy which left no people untouched and showed how fragile and unprotected can be art in the face of natural hazards and man’s negligence.

The Paris Notre-Dame Cathedral (Notre-Dame de Paris) is the mankind’s heritage and Russian designers express solidarity with the rest of the world concerning the tragedy. It makes think about the role of each of us in preservation of cultural heritage, reminiscence of own country’s past and responsibility to descendants.

International Association of Designers invokes designers from all over the world to join our poster action named “Mankind’s Fragile Heritage”.

The action serves the purpose to draw attention of world community and authorities to necessity of cherishing cultural heritage worldwide.»

You can check the list of exhibition participants in the Association of Designers’ official site:

Migrant Woman

Posters on politics

° Poster selected as a finalist in Poster for tomorrow
° Poster selected as a finalist in DMJStudio

In last year’s brief we talked about «a world where boundaries are becoming less and less meaningful. Now more than ever, we are one people. No matter where we live, we are all equally powerless in the face of war or environmental disaster.»

We still believe this, but electorates in the Western World responded by voting to close borders and build walls to keep foreigners out. A violent rhetoric of hatred and fear is being constructed around people who’s only ‘crime’ is to be born in a foreign country. We want to refocus the debate around immigration to what lies at its heart: people.

#socialposter #humanrights #womanrights #socialdesign #socialdesigner #graphicdesign #socialvector #vector #migrantwoman #awareness #graphic #illustation #instagram #exibithion #postersonpolitics #naandeyeah

One world

° Poster selected as a finalist in «Graphic Stories Cyprus Poster Contest 2020».
° Poster selected as a finalist in «Moscow Poster Competition 2020».

Exhibition in cyprus. 4th International Graphic Stories Cyprus «Cultural Heritage – One World, One Future».

Infinite thanks to all the organization of the event, thank you dear friend Aggeliki Athanasiadi and Graphic Stories Cyprus Group.

Shaping the future

° Poster selected as a finalist for the exhibition in Haapsalu, Estonia / Haapsalu Graphic Design Fest
° Poster selected as a finalist in Diseñadores con corazón
° Poster selected as a finalist in Poster for tomorrow

Graphic Design Festival (HGDF) 2019
Tallinn, Estonia
September 16-22, 2019
Many thanks:
Curator: Marko Kekishev
Photo: Март Андерсон (Mart Anderson)

“The future is open. It is not predetermined and thus cannot be predicted – except by accident. The possibilities that lie in the future are infinite. When I say ‘It is our duty to remain optimists’, this includes not only the openness of the future but also that which all of us contribute to it by everything we do: we are all responsible for what the future holds in store.
Thus it is our duty, not to prophesy evil, but, rather, to fight for a better world.”

Karl Popper

#naandeyeah #NaandeyéGarcíaVillegas #socialposter #posterposter #plakatsozial #mexicangraphicdesigner #cartelsocial #naandeyeah #posterdesign #posters #graphicdesign #posterunion #posteraday #posterdesigncommunity #postereveryday #posterfortomorrow

Posterheroes 2020


Exhibition of Posterheroes’s ninth edition «Humans at work» will take place at Toolbox Coworking (Turin, Italy) during the international visual design festival Graphic Days®.

Graphic Days® Transitions
October 1-11
@Toolbox Coworking (Turin, IT)


#naandeyeah #winner2020 #PosterHeroes2020